So here I am in my progress so far:
1) Bought a 1995 Ford e-350 2 last 4th of July weekend.
STill haven't removed the seats in the back.
2) I got a portable potti and experimented and studied how it flushed. (man, I'm gonna end up cleaning this sucker each and every time I use it!) Actually going to buy another setup I can use more often --the folding seat with plastic bag setup with kitty litter and wood shavings sounds better... gonna live like a hamster! Cool.
3) Just bought a big 35 gallon bin for my bath setup. I got a theoretical plan which involves bathing in it (so it catches the water) sitting on a small plastic step stool which I already have and surrounding myself with my existing shower curtain (suspended over my head somehow --by a hoola hoop or something from the toy department is my plan so far).
So in two weeks, I will be taking out the seats.
I'll probably have a really rough setup at first... sandwiches, cans of tuna...PB and J... simple drinks... just like when I first moved to Australia with only 2 suitcases and a backpack. I figure I did it before, I can do it again... this time it'll be even easier since I have my own vehicle to live in! 

My mission actually is to consume all my food here at home in 2 months. I am a bit of a hoarder and what I have right now is enough food to last me at least 2 months...
So I have to keep myself from buying anything new anymore.
Once again, it may sound really bizarre to those who lived in fixed locations, but really, it's not that much of a stretch.
I do have to leave great swaths of my stuff behind (like I did 2 years ago). It's ok too...
There's something to be said for living in a Spartan way with just a laptop, a suitcase and your trusty wallet...