For now... a small post about...
Instant Sushi!
All one needs is the ability to cook rice/boil water.
Everything else is fresh. Can be bought from the store and used right away or stored in a small refrigerator.
I make these small hand sushi on a small table.
I buy the precut snack size seaweed for convenience although I do have the large ones as well. they seaweed snacks also come flavored so that adds extra to it.
Admittedly, adding raw tuna and fish eggs does up the price, but that's just me and my personal tastes.
A simple roll can be made with just plain rice, crab sticks and one ripe avocado. Other veggies can include thinly sliced carrots and cucumbers.
Cooked items, I have used (I think I'll repost this on my original message too)
1) shrimp plain or mixed with mayo, cayenne, a bit of wasabi;
2) boiled egg (chopped fine with mayo, pickle relish, bit of cayenne, finely chopped shallots)
3) crab (seasoned lightly with salt and pepper and a bit of... cayenne --a pattern is emerging! My love of Texmex is becoming obvious)
4) canned tuna or salmon. (with the obvious seasonings of southwest cayenne, salt and pepper...)
5) baked salmon (My favorite is when they lay the salmon raw on the rice and put some thick plum sauce on it with a stripe of mayo and then blowtorch that till the salmon is baked on the outside but still medium rare near the rice... that combo is just to die for! Like eating medium well steak with a bit of pink...)
6) smoked salmon (for those who don't like raw salmon --just as good. Lay in on top of the cooked rice and seaweed and that's it!)
7) scrambled egg (My formula for the Japanese omelet that I love to do is 3 eggs, a tablespoon of milk (powdered works fine), 1 tbsp. of rice wine vinegar, a few grains of dried fish flakes (found in oriental stores), salt, pepper, 1/2 tsp sugar or sugar substitute like honey)
8) Imitation crab sticks (mixed with mayo, bit of wasabi, few drops of chili oil)
9) Cooked scallops. These little babies go on sale often because people don't know what to do with them. When they go on sale, I scoop them up. There's 2 ways you can cook these. a) microwave with butter and a bit of water for 1 minute. b) steam them gently as your rice cooks. Just put them in a small glass container that will float above the rice. You may want to put them into the rice when it is halfway done as it is very easy to overcook the scallops.
Preparation: chop the scallops finely. Mix with chopped green onion leeks, bit of mayo, bit of chili oil, bit of sesame oil.
Mix those all up and put them on the rice and seaweed.
This looks like super food! Thanks for the recipe/s.