Saturday, October 1, 2011

the finished rig

Ah, the van is done! Well, almost. :) All we need is a few more tweaks... we'll see.
I've taken advantage of the ever useful shower rod.  I bought 3. 2 of them go at the back and the front. The third becomes my clothes rod... fastened to the seatbelt metal loop by plastic ties. Very useful those.. plastic ties... and bungee cords. I bought some window curtains from wallyworld to cover the sides... I strung a tight line from front to back using the ever-available seatbelt bolts to secure them on top... then threaded the curtains all along the length of the van... I gotta say... this setup sure warms the vehicle! I really want to go up north and test out this setup... but for now, I'm still burning down here in Texas.

Never one to throw away anything, I made good use of the plastic packaging the curtains came in... they had a small hook on top and they zipped up so you can see a couple of shots here where I placed some bath and shaving gear... pretty soon, those will be filled with various things maybe like pens, coins... etc... easy reach and in clear plastic containers so I know what's in them... and they hang high so they are out of the way. I like it so far!


  1. I saw these pics I believe on cheaprvliving but never commented. A lot of stuff in there but it looks so comfy. I have a electric seat in the back for NOW am going to keep it and build around it. It looks good!!


    Thanks! The above link will take you to the updated version of my digs where I install a futon frame and get rid of so much clutter in the back. :)


    Thanks! The above link will take you to the updated version of my digs where I install a futon frame and get rid of so much clutter in the back. :)
